EUA enviarão US$ 60 milhões em ajuda à oposição da Síria
Pela primeira vez, país mandará alimentos e
suprimentos médicos aos opositores rebeldes que estão na linha de frente da
batalha contra o presidente Bashar-al Assad.
São Paulo |
O governo
Obama disse nesta quinta-feira (28) que dará uma ajuda adicional à oposição da
Síria no valor de US$ 60 milhões e, pela primeira vez, enviará alimentos e
suprimentos médicos aos rebeldes que estão na linha de frente da batalha contra
o presidente Bashar al-Assad.
Os US$ 60
milhões serão enviados para a oposição política de Assad. Autoridades dos EUA
disseram que as rações e suprimentos médicos serão entregues aos rebeldes
através do conselho militar, e deverão ser distribuídos somente aos membros do
Exército Livre da Síria.
Economia dos EUA cresce menos no 4º tri e fecha 2012 com alta de 2,2%
Do UOL, em São Paulo
28/02/2013_10h47 _ Atualizada 28/02/2013_12h29
economia norte-americana quase não cresceu no quarto trimestre: a expansão do
Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) foi de 0,1%, divulgou o Departamento de Comércio
dos EUA nesta quinta-feira (28). No acumulado de 2012, a economia dos EUA
cresceu 2,2%, mais do que em 2011, quando expandiu 1,8%.
A alta no
quarto trimestre foi menor do que os 0,5% previstos por analistas ouvidos pela
agência de notícias Reuters. Mesmo assim, superou a estimativa anterior
do governo norte-americano, que previa contração de 0,1% nos últimos três meses
de 2012. Essa previsão havia chocado os economistas.
A taxa de
crescimento registrada no quarto trimestre, ainda assim, foi a mais lenta desde
o primeiro trimestre de 2011, e insuficiente para reduzir a taxa de desemprego.
Os gastos
com a defesa caíram 22%, cortando 1,28 ponto do crescimento. Os gastos do
consumidor foram mais robustos comparativamente, embora tenham subido apenas
2,1% no ano.
Where's the consistency?
USA will send $ 60 million in aid to the opposition in Syria
For the first time, the country will send food and medical supplies to the rebel opponents who are on the front lines of the battle against President Bashar al-Assad.
iG Sao Paulo | 02/28/2013 10:18:33
The Obama administration said on Thursday (28) to give additional help to the Syrian opposition in the amount of $ 60 million and for the first time, sending food and medical supplies to the rebels who are on the front lines of the battle against President Bashar al-Assad.
The $ 60 million will be sent to the political opposition to Assad. U.S. officials said that the rations and medical supplies will be delivered to the rebels by the military council, and shall be distributed only to members of the Free Syrian Army.
Where's the consistency?
USA will send $ 60 million in aid to the opposition in Syria
For the first time, the country will send food and medical supplies to the rebel opponents who are on the front lines of the battle against President Bashar al-Assad.
iG Sao Paulo | 02/28/2013 10:18:33
The Obama administration said on Thursday (28) to give additional help to the Syrian opposition in the amount of $ 60 million and for the first time, sending food and medical supplies to the rebels who are on the front lines of the battle against President Bashar al-Assad.
The $ 60 million will be sent to the political opposition to Assad. U.S. officials said that the rations and medical supplies will be delivered to the rebels by the military council, and shall be distributed only to members of the Free Syrian Army.
U.S. economy grows less in Q4 and closes 2012 with a 2.2%
UOL's in Sao Paulo
28/02/2013_10h47 _ Updated 28/02/2013_12h29
The U.S. economy barely grew in the fourth quarter: the expansion of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was 0.1%, the Commerce Department reported the U.S. on Thursday (28). Accumulated in 2012, the U.S. economy grew by 2.2% more than in 2011, when it expanded 1.8%.
The high in the fourth quarter was lower than the 0.5% forecast by analysts polled by Reuters. Still, surpassed the previous estimate of U.S. government, which predicted a contraction of 0.1% in the last three months of 2012. This prediction was shocked economists.
The growth rate recorded in the fourth quarter still was the slowest since the first quarter of 2011, and insufficient to reduce the unemployment rate.
The defense spending fell 22%, cutting 1.28 point growth. Consumer spending was comparatively more robust, although they rose only 2.1% in the year.
U.S. economy grows less in Q4 and closes 2012 with a 2.2%
UOL's in Sao Paulo
28/02/2013_10h47 _ Updated 28/02/2013_12h29
The U.S. economy barely grew in the fourth quarter: the expansion of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was 0.1%, the Commerce Department reported the U.S. on Thursday (28). Accumulated in 2012, the U.S. economy grew by 2.2% more than in 2011, when it expanded 1.8%.
The high in the fourth quarter was lower than the 0.5% forecast by analysts polled by Reuters. Still, surpassed the previous estimate of U.S. government, which predicted a contraction of 0.1% in the last three months of 2012. This prediction was shocked economists.
The growth rate recorded in the fourth quarter still was the slowest since the first quarter of 2011, and insufficient to reduce the unemployment rate.
The defense spending fell 22%, cutting 1.28 point growth. Consumer spending was comparatively more robust, although they rose only 2.1% in the year.