sábado, 24 de dezembro de 2011

Merry Christmas

Dear Santa Claus:

I won´t ask you for any gifts because this year I was a good girl and because it I received everything that is mine. I worked hard for it.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut, I would like to have just ONE HUG.

I can understand that you are so tired and in the place that you live is so cold and even so, there are many houses to visit and leave gifts for those children.

Because I´m a good girl, I won´t be sad if you won´t go here to give me "the hug".

Because I´m a good girl, I agree that you send your assistant to do your work.

Better: if you are here, SOB, you will be received like him.

The warning was given.

3 comentários:

  1. Vc sabia que que a Marry Christmas é a mulher do Papai Noel né...

    Feliz Novidade.

  2. Então quer dizer que todo ano a gente uma mulher para todo mundo??????!!!!! o_O

    Feliz Natal!!!

  3. Eu escrevi errado e ninguém me avisou... :´(



Eu já...

... corri de boi bravo. ... fui embora querendo ficar. ... deixei de fazer coisas por medo de perigo que só existia na minha cabeça. ... vol...