quarta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2014

When I was a child...

When I was a child, in my vacations in my grandfather´s farm,  I thought that milk came from white cows;  chocolate milk came from brown cows; latté came from black and white cows and  coffee came from the coffee´s tree.

When I was a child I never understood how a rabbit can give us chocolate eggs on Easter. More I wondered, my mom couldn´t answer me. Because of this, Easter rabbit were a bad guy for me. Involved in a halo of mystery. Not cute!

When I was a child I thought that if I ate fruit´s seed, a tree would grow up in my belly.

When I was a child, I thought if I ate bubble gum I would die. One day, for an accident, I did it. I ate it. And nothing happened. Another day I ate five bubble gums and I almost died.

When I was a child I thought that if I kept digging a hole I would reach to Japan.

When I was a child I thought that my dollies were my sisters… until I had one in flesh and blood and I turned her into my dolly.

Everything had different color and smell. And the same happiness today.

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Eu já...

... corri de boi bravo. ... fui embora querendo ficar. ... deixei de fazer coisas por medo de perigo que só existia na minha cabeça. ... vol...